Proven food waste solutions for colleges and universities
Because dining services need sustainable solutions
Campus dining faces unique challenges: a heavy reliance on all-you-care-to-eat leads to waste from overproduction. Students demand sustainable practices. Plus, thin margins and competition from off-campus options mean campuses must be as efficient as possible with their food purchases. Food waste prevention is critical. With deep experience in the segment, Leanpath has proven solutions to reduce food waste in campus dining.

“Leanpath was critical in helping pinpoint the time of day and stations where waste was occurring. In less than one year we reduced food waste by 49% and lowered plate cost significantly.”
Lead your campus on sustainability.
When you stop buying food only to throw it out, you stop contributing to the greenhouse gasses that food waste produces. You no longer squander the water it took to grow that food.
And you quit using the energy–power and human energy–to prep that food. By addressing food waste, you impact your campus’s most important sustainability issues. And with Leanpath you have the data to prove it.
“Tracking food waste with Leanpath not only gives you a baseline for improvement but it also tells you the what, where, and when about your food waste.”
Make staff more efficient.
Labor challenges are a constant in campus dining. You simply can’t afford to use valuable labor hours purchasing and preparing food that only goes to waste.
Leanpath data shows that if a kitchen wastes 7 percent of its food purchases, it wastes as much as a month of labor hours over the course of a year.
“The staff really like the technology. It’s made it easier and quicker to report [compared to manual tracking]. It is nice to pull the reports and identify where to focus our attention.”
Drive savings straight to the bottom line.
Typical college and university kitchens waste 4-10% of the food they purchase before it ever reaches a diner’s plate.
Leanpath cuts that in half. And when you stop wasting food, you can stop purchasing food you know is only going to waste, translating to an average savings of 2-8% of food purchase costs.
“Leanpath is easy. At the end of the year it’s amazing to see how much waste we’ve reduced.”

Make food waste visible
Executive Chef Timothy Morris and his team at Arcadia University in Pennsylvania, USA, have been using Leanpath to track and prevent their food waste for one year.
In that time they’ve already reduced waste by an impressive 45 percent.

Build a kitchen culture of food waste prevention
Senior Executive Chef Tony Pignagrande and his crew at the University of Rochester in New York State have cut their food waste by 46 percent.
“There are savings, because we’re buying less food,” he says. “And we’re shipping less food so that helps the environment. But ultimately, it says our operation is running effectively.”
68% reduction in food waste
The foodservice team at the University of Notre Dame leveraged food waste photography to get to the root cause of their food waste.
74 thousand meals saved
Arizona State University built a more efficient kitchen culture driven by food waste prevention.
34,000 lb reduction in food waste
The culinary team at the US Coast Guard Academy finally saw what food waste being wasted and why, giving them the insight they needed to take action.